Tea Flavoured Cakes from RCMA Markets, Cardiff

I get most of my food from the RCMA markets that are held across Cardiff on a weekly basis. It’s a great way to buy good quality, seasonal local produce. I like the idea of tea being used in cooking, and, coupled with the fact that it from local independents, I am unable to resist it.

Green Tea Cheesecake


Authentic Japanese Foods, based in Neath, recently had a stall at the Roath market (held on Saturdays) as a trial. When I saw they would be selling green tea cheesecake I knew I would have to go and get some. At one pound per slice it was fantastic value so I bought a few slices. It was an unbaked cheesecake with the top layer being green tea flavoured. Green tea works really well when combined with creamy flavours so it is a perfect for a cheesecake. I have since discovered that the stall will be at Riverside market this coming weekend and will become a more permanent feature from June. They will be at the market 2/3 times a month. I am very pleased to hear this because the cheesecake was very enjoyable as was their cockle sushi!

Chai Cake


Naturally Kind, based in Swansea, is a regular stall holder at the Riverside market (Sundays). They sell a range of sugar free, gluten free, vegan, raw, cashew cream cakes and vegan baked cakes. I have tried a number of their cakes but it’s only recently that I got to try their chai cake. I’m not vegan, or vegetarian, but I really enjoy their cakes. If I had no prior knowledge about Naturally Kind I wouldn’t know they were vegan. The chai cake had a lovely moist texture and I found the spices came through really well. The icing was nice and sweet but not in a sickly way as I find normal icing can be. The nuts on top added some texture too. I can also highly recommend their chocolate fudge cake as being the best one I’ve ever tasted!

[RCMA, Authentic Japanese Food and Naturally Kind were not aware that I would be writing this post]

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8 Responses to Tea Flavoured Cakes from RCMA Markets, Cardiff

  1. burns509 says:

    Chai cake? How did I miss that? I will look out for it the next time I go to the market.


  2. Those cakes both look amazing!


  3. melissamassey878147508 says:

    Ah, great to hear about Naturally Kind! My step-dad is gluten intolerant (and LOVES tea), so I will definitely pass this nugget of knowledge along to my parents who live in the Vale! Thanks for sharing Jaye 🙂 x



    • No problem Melissa 🙂 You’ll have to let me know what he thinks! They do a lot of other interesting flavours and they also do raw vegan cashew cream cakes which are a bit like cheesecakes. They constantly have new bits too. Thank you for reading. 🙂


  4. fayesavory11 says:

    Yum! Green tea cheese cake really appeals to me. I might have to find myself as a recipe as unfortunately quite justify a trip to Cardiff just to try some!

    Faye | freckles-and-all.blogspot.co.uk


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